Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Toddler Hair

Jenelle's hair isn't long enough for a ponytail but it is long enough to put several ponytails into one. It's also great that she has natural curl so her ponytails always look extra cute.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sick Day

Nothing like a sick day. MecKenzie is pretty sick, Jenelle and I are both on the verge of a cold but not as bad as MecKenzie. It's so heart breaking too, whenever she wakes up from naptime she calls my name in the saddest voice. I basically melt into a puddle.

I am more for clean living than heavy medicine. So when our family comes down with a cold there are some precautions we all take. Echinacea and Colloidal Silver are my personal favorites. I have recently dabbled in essential oils. I have had some success with them.

Tea tree oil has several uses but I used it to assist a yeast destroyer. What would have taken 3 weeks or more only took a week and a half. MecKenzie really loves essential oils. Tonight I gave her a bath with 3 drops of lavender to help her relax for bed. I don't think they are a cure all but I do think they are an added boost. Plus they smell nice.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Lent is starting tomorrow and I think I am going to give up sugar. By sugar I mean any type of refined sugar such as juice, breads and pastas. I need the body cleanse and I think it would be good for my family. They get to eat what I make. That is the benefits of not being a short order cook :) I have been exercising every morning to help get back my pre-baby body. The one area of my body that proves to be stubborn is my lovely love handles. Giving up sugar should help finish what exercise alone couldn't do.

I know I am not Catholic but I think this could be a good lesson for me. That I have more control over my choices. It should also give me a little more respect for other faiths and make me a little bit more grateful that I am LDS.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Learning How To Use Photo Shop

In middle school I learned some cool things in one of those awesome photo shop programs that I knew I would never own.... well I have gotten my hands on a program... a cheap old program but a program none the less! My first project was to merge the Proclamation to the World with a family photo. AND SUCCESS! I did it.

Now all we need to do is get an updated family photo so we can make a more official one to hang on our wall. Maybe a bigger one because this is amazing. This project has inspired more projects. I am currently teaching the 7-8 year olds in Sunday school. SO I want to take the pictures of the 8 year olds with their dad (or who ever baptizes them) and merge it with the Articles of Faith and the date they were baptized. Its going to be epic!